Cool Stuff

Cool Stuff From a Love of Motherhood, Scrapbooking, & Decor

Monday, September 20, 2010


My in-laws were here this weekend and my father-in-law had a serious jones for the old abandoned insulators one sees around here. So, he went out with my husband and they happened to find a bunch of downed ones. I have to admit, they're pretty cool. I got a wooden beam from a power line with 4 insulators screwed onto it in addition to a bunch of individual ones. I'd like to display them, but I'm not sure how. My mother-in-law is trying to find a way to turn some of theirs into lamps. I've seen a couple of uses on the web, but I'm not attracted to any of them. What to do...


  1. What about door stops? Or could you somehow mount them to the wall, and use them as hooks (for hangars?)

  2. Kristin, I have a post from the electric pole with 4 screwed in already and that I'm going to hang on the wall and display as is (a cool piece of vintage americana). But then, we have a bunch of these individual ones...
